Summer 2020

by | Jul 30, 2020 | Latest News


Hoping that this finds you all in good health and making most of the pandemic, whether that be more time with family or taking on new ventures. As with the majority of my professional peers, the pandemic has taken us places that we never thought we would find ourselves. We are now trying to make “connections” while we tell a story to a blinding camera light on our computer (while also trying to focus on Zoom attendees). We are now videographers and stage set designers. We have had to make major purchases including camcorders, ring lights, backdrops, and more. We’ve had to learn how to maximize our online experience which for me included upping my internet speed, investing in a Bluetooth with a mic, as well as colorful backdrops and a new camcorder. I found myself at first challenged by technology, but then relieved to find how easy it all actually was. I patted myself on the back as I found that I was technologically capable of more than I gave myself credit for.

Many of us have resisted and many have succumbed, including myself, realizing that nobody knows how long the pandemic will last, and the need remains to continue to share our work not only for financial reasons, but also because it is our love, our passion in life…to share stories.

There has also been an upside to all of this. For tellers, our work is being seen by more people. The world is our oyster. No longer can people say, “they haven’t seen our work…let me know when you’re in the area.” We can make ourselves virtually omnipresent. It is a great opportunity for all of us…to get to know one another better. Sure, our connections may be a little different, but the rewards are titillating…to experience a broader world of teller, stories, and styles.

As we all move forward through this new territory, I invite you to a new experience in my own multi-faceted online offering (live, streamed, and hybrid) through my new promotional video which includes clips of videos offered for streaming, done in one take and one camera, emulating the in-person experience, but up close (even better), giving you an improved online experience, void of environmental interruptions, while still allowing for interaction.